Got a burning question about the Artforce Brisbane program and processes? Chances are, we’ve covered it here.

How can I apply to paint a traffic signal box?
Boxes are released to the public via this website. If no boxes are available, you can register your interest through this website or by sending us an email with your name and email address. Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. You will then be added to a mailing list to receive notifications of when boxes are released.
Do I have to be a practising artist to participate in the Artforce Brisbane Program?
No. Brisbane City Council’s Artforce Brisbane program is is an open access community initiative allowing Brisbane residents, regardless of age or artistic experience, the opportunity to design and paint murals on one of over a 1000 traffic signal boxes (TSBs) and a small selection of Energex Pad-mount Transformers (EPTs) located across 26 Brisbane wards.

Can more than one person paint a box?
Yes. Artworks for boxes can be designed and painted by families, friends, workmates, community groups and other teams. However there does need to be one lead person who is the primary point of contact and the contracted party. If the lead person is under 18 years of age, then an appropriate adult (parent or guardian) must sign the contract on their behalf and an appropriate adult (supervisor, parent, guardian, or teacher) must be fully responsible for the participant’s safety and conduct while participating in the program.
What support will I receive? Will I receive any payment?
Participation in Council’s Artforce Brisbane program is undertaken on a voluntary basis – there is no payment. All volunteer participants will receive an equipment box which has the necessary materials (paint and safety equipment) for working on site, as well as guidelines, contract, insurances, and instruction manual for information support. Participants are required to provide their own paint brushes, water and containers for cleaning brushes, sun safety gear, a low seat or stool and/or small ladder if available, a basic first aid kit, plus food and drinking water. Refer to Artforce Brisbane Manual – Painting Procedures.
Can my artwork design be rejected?
If your artwork design does not meet the Artwork Evaluation Criteria and Restrictions, then we will ask you to revise the design and work with you until the design is suitable. The Artwork Evaluation Criteria and Restrictions can be found in the Artforce Brisbane Artwork Brief which is available on the website. The Artwork Brief also provides guidance on how to develop a successful design.
How long will my artwork last?
The average lifespan of Council’s Artforce Brisbane murals, before the murals start to fade and show general wear and tear, is about five-to-six years. At this time, the boxes go back into the pool of TSBs or EPTs for reallocation and repainting. However, some artworks may be replaced sooner, primarily due to boxes being damaged in traffic incidents.

We have a box in our neighbourhood that we’d love to see painted but we don’t have anyone to paint it.
You are welcome to request that a specific box be painted and we’ll consider it for inclusion in the upcoming program rounds. If you’re a community group, we may be able to find an artist/participant to develop a design in consultation with your group members.
How will I receive my equipment box?
Delivery and return of the equipment box is to the local ward office where your traffic signal box is located. Painting periods are usually 18 days. Participants can pick up the equipment box in the days prior and must return it within one week of painting completion.

Can I choose my own box?
Boxes are released via the Artforce Brisbane website every three months. They are allocated on a ‘first-in first-served’ basis. In registering your interest to become an Artforce Brisbane participant, you are welcome to suggest a specific box and we will consider it for inclusion in the next release. If released, you will need to apply for that box before anyone else so it can be allocated to you. Boxes are only directly allocated to individuals in special circumstances, such as when a participant’s artwork has been removed after only a short period due to damage to the box.
Boxes can be directly allocated to community groups and schools. Artforce Brisbane welcomes broad community participation from all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Community groups can provide vital forms of support to people who would not otherwise be able to participate. Send us an email and tell us about your community group and we will try to find a suitable box in your area.
All box allocations are subject to Brisbane City Council approval.