An initiative of Brisbane City Council

Artforce Brisbane
An initiative of Brisbane City Council

Elaine Pang

Wayilahr Dream

175 Osborne Road, Mitchelton QLD
Wayilahr is the Bundjalung name for the yellow-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus), a large cockatoo native to the south-east of Australia. They are Australia’s largest cockatoo, measuring 55–65 cm in length. According to bush lore, if it has not rained for a while and you see these birds about, it means rain is on the way. Dreaming stories link the black cockatoo and rain quite often, with rain signifying change, nourishment, or a journey. This design takes simple delight in the outlines of black cockatoos flying across the sky on their own journey. For the bird’s story, see:
Box ID: SC484380 (View Map Below)
Additional Participants: Callum Ree
Produced: January 2019
Awards: Nominated: Energex Box Award

Register your interest 
to paint a traffic signal box


You must be a resident of Brisbane ie. living within the Brisbane City Council area.
You must not be an employee of Brisbane City Council.
You must not have painted more than two traffic signal boxes in a four year period and not in consecutive years.

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