Robyn Woodrow’s traffic signal box in the city below the Story Bridge reflects on the changes she witnessed in Brisbane over time and how when we lose one thing, we gain another in its place. And it’s why Robyn applied to paint a traffic signal box – she wanted to leave a visible legacy after being diagnosed with cancer. Sadly Robyn passed away in June 2021 soon after completing her painting. Her amazing community of friends stepped in to add the finishing touches and help make her vision a reality.
Robyn’s legacy gives her family the chance to reflect on the creativity that was central to her life on their city journeys, and gives us all the gift of her beautiful artwork. Vale Robyn Woodrow.
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You must be a resident of Brisbane ie. living within the Brisbane City Council area.
You must not be an employee of Brisbane City Council.
You must not have painted more than two traffic signal boxes in a four year period and not in consecutive years.